Izbori 2020U srbiji su održani parlamentarni izbori. Pod sloganom "Za našu decu" vladajuca partija je uzela 200 od 244 mandata u skupštini. Glasači su srbiju vratili u jednopartijski sistem. |
Elections 2020With the slogan "For our children'' the already ruling party took 200 out of 244 seats in national assembly. The voters returned Serbia to the single party system. |
Štrajk na štrajkSamo u Srbiji vlast štrajkuje gladju protiv opozicije, dok i jedna i druga strana dovode svoje pristalice koje mora da razdvaja policija. Pitanje je momenta kada će doći do sukoba dve zaraćene strane. |
Strike on strikeOnly in Serbia, ruling party is on hunger strike against opposition, while both sides bring their supporters which must be divided by the police. It is just matter of time when two warring parties will clash. |
Korona prolećeEpidemija korona virusa onemogućila je ljude da uživaju u prolećnoj lepoti. |
Corona springCorona virus epidemic ruined spring joy for the people. |
Stanje KoroneBilo je samo pitanje vremena kada će se pojaviti COVID-19 u Srbiji. 15. marta proglašeno je vanredno stanje. Rigoroznim merama ograničeno je kretanje građana. Policija i Vojska Srbije izašli su na ulice. Tek nakon ovih mera, ljudi su krenuli ozbiljnije da shvataju celu situaciju. Hala Begradskog Sajma otvorena je za pacijente sa blagim simptomima. Da li je Srbija preuzela sve potrebne mere? Ostaje nam da čekamo i da se nadamo najboljem.
State of CoronaIt was a matter of time when COVID-19 will appear in Serbia. State of emergency was declared on march 15th. Rigorous measures limited movement of the citizens. Police and Army are out on the streets. Only after that, people understood situation seriously. Hall on Belgrade Fair was opened for patients with mild symptoms. Has Serbia taken all the necessary measures? We can only wait and hope for the best.
MADPod nazivom „Moto avantura za devojke“, na obalama jezera Sovinac, kod Zaječara, održan je prvi ženski moto kamp. Ovaj kamp imao je internacionalni karakter, a u njegovom radu učestvovale su bajkerke iz: Norveške, Holandije, Rumunije, Bugarske i svih zemalja bivše Jugoslavije. Bila je to lepa prilika da učesnice premijernog kampa za bajkerke nauče nešto više o bezbednoj vožnji, kao i o održavanju motora, ali i da se, u sklopu grupne vožnje, upoznaju sa lepotama istočne Srbije.
MADUnder name ''Moto adventure for girls'', on the lake Sovinac near Zajecar, first women moto camp was held. This was international camp with participants from Norway, Holland, Bulgaria, Romania, and also all states of former Yugoslavia. It was a nice occasion for participants to learn something new about safe driving, motorcycle maintenance, and within group drive, see eastern serbia.
Vuk živiVuk Erceg (16) već šest godina spava dubokim snom u sobi poluintezivne nege Univerzitetske dečje klinike u Tiršovoj. On je kao desetogodišnjak propao kroz oštećenu zaštitnu ogradu na Tašmajdanu bežeći od pčele, pao niz liticu visoku oko 15 metara i teško se povredio. Usled propusta neurohirurga koji nije uočio povredu mozga, Vuku je prekinuto normalno detinjstvo.
Vuk livesVuk Erceg, 16, has been sleeping for six years in a semi-intensive care room at the University Children's Clinic in Tiršova. As a ten-year-old boy, he collapsed through a damaged protective fence at Tašmajdan, fleeing from a bee, fell down a 15 meters tall cliff and severely injured himself. Due to the failure of the neurosurgeon who did not notice brain injury, Vuk's childhood was ended.
MatejevacU januaru 1942 godine, u ovoj kući je održaan revolucionarni zbor stanovnika Gornjeg Matejevca, a ubrzo nakon toga i osnovan partizanski odred. Više od 100 stanovnika pridružilo se partizanima u borbi protiv nacističkog okupatora. Posle rata u zgradi je bila policijska stanica. Sada se tu okupljaju samo lokalni narkomani i satanisti.
MatejevacRevolutionary assembly of residents of Gornji Matejevac was held in this house, in January of 1942. In the same year Partisan squad of people liberation army was formed. More than 100 residents joined Partisans in the fight against Nazi occupation. After the WW2 this building housed a police station. Nowadays only local junkies and satanist gather inside it.
Tamarina decaCiklon Tamara izazvao je velike kiše na Balkanu, i poplavama ostavio veliki broj ljudi bez domova. |
Children of Tamara Cyclone Tamara caused great amount of rains over Balkan, leaving many people floded and homeless. |
HramKosovske vlasti žele da sruše hram Hrista Spasa u centru Prištine, čija je izgradnja počela u vreme vladavine Slobodana Miloševića. Otac Steva Mitrić želi da sačuva i završi hram za desetak preostalih pravoslavnih vernika u Prištini. |
TempleKosovo authorities want to tare down temple of Christ the savior in center of Prishtina, which was started during rule of Slobodan Milosevic. Father Steva Mitric wants to save and finish temple for dozen remaining orthodox believers in Prishtina. |
Nova GodinaObeležavanje Srpske tradicije, ili još jedan dobar izgovor za žurku do zore. |
New YearCelebrating Serbian tradition or just another good excuse to party until sunrise. |
PorodicaTežak život u Srbiji najbolje se vidi na licima porodice Simić. Šestoro dece nema osnovne uslove za život. Bez struje i vode, preživljavaju od danas do sutra. |
FamilyHard life in Serbia is best seen on faces of Simic family. Six children don't even have basic life conditions. No water, no electricity, they are surviving till tomorrow. |
JC Street Battle Drugi ovogodišnji JC Battle predstavljaće uvodno takmičenje Winner Of Belgrade-a, ali sa osvrtom na street (uličnu) vožnju. JC Battle nema pravila. Cilj je samo raditi trikove i podići sopstveni nivo vožnje koristeći ulične “elemente”.
JC Street BattleSecond JC battle this year which is the introduction for the Winner of Belgrade event. It is mainly focusing on street. JC Street Battle has no rules. Points is only get your riding to a higher level using street obstacles. |
U EvropuDok Hrvati proslavljaju ulazak u Evropsku uniju, na hiljade državljana te zemlje, koja ih je puškama oterala jer imaju pogrešnu nacionalnost, sasvim drugim ocima doživljavaju i zvanično stečen status Evropljanina. tekst: Sanja Djordjević
To EuropeWhile Croats celebrate admission to European Union, thousands of citizens of that country, that chased them away with rifles for being a wrong nationality, see differently their official status as Europeans.
text: Sanja Djordjevic
GladijatorSlomljene kosti, prosuta krv. Borba za čast ili za zabavu krvožedne mase. |
GladiatorBroken bones, spilled blood. Fight for honor or entertainment of a blood thirsty crowd. |
Gospodari nebaMiris sagorelog goriva, urlik mlaznog motora na punom gasu, i covek u kabini postaje gospodar neba. |
Masters of the skySmell of burnt jet fuel, roar of jet engine at full thrust, and man in cockpit becomes master of the sky. |
Ulična muzikaTamo negde u dalekom svetu, ulični svirači su čist performans. Umetnici koji svoju umetnost žele da podele sa svetom. U Beogradu ti umetnici se na ulici bore za goli opstanak. |
Street musicSomewhere far away, street musicians are pure performance. Artists who want to share their art with the world. In Belgrade, those artists are fighting for a pure survival on the street. |
CirkusKlovnovi, akrobate, muzičari, dovedeni do savrsenstva. Ostavljaju oduševljenu publiku bez daha svojim umećem. Cirkus koji je doveden do savršenstva scenske umetnosti. |
CircusClowns, acrobats, musicians, perfected in their skills. They make thrilled audience breathless. Circus that is brought to perfection of a scene art. |
DistorzijaGomila ludih metalaca, suludi light show i vatromet, moćne distorzije. I posle skoro 30 godina na sceni, legendarna Metallica pršti kao i uvek. |
DistorsionBunch of crazy metalheads, crazy light show and fireworks, powerful distorsions. After almost 30 years on stage, legendary Metallica rocks as always. |
IzboriMogućnost da se izabere bolja budućnost, ili mogućmost da se neki dokopaju vlasti? Pored agresivne izborne kampanje nije više moguće biti realan. |
ElectionsPossibility to choose better future, or possibility for some to reach power. With aggressive election campaigns it is not possible to be realistic any more. |
BioskopiBioskopi u koje smo nekada išli da gledamo najnovije filmske hitove, u kojima smo poljubili svoje prve devojke, koji su činili društveni život grada, sada su uglavnom ruševine bez vlasnika i budućnosti. |
CinemasCinemas in which we went to see latest blockbusters, in which we kissed our first girls, which made social life of the city, now are ruins without owner and future. |
Prašina i benzinSpojiti prašinu i benzin u savršenoj harmoniji, pobediti prirodu i mašinu. Ostani na točkovima i ti si pobednik. |
Dirt and gas To match dirt and gas in perfect harmony, to defeat nature and machine. Stay on wheels and you are a winner. |
Gej prajdDrugačiji, neželjeni, često proganjani, u društvu koje ih nikada neće prihvatiti. Čak i obična šetnja će se pretvoriti u veliku nevolju za njih. |
Gay prideDifferent, not wanted, often prosecuted, in society that will never accept them. Even simple walk will turn in to a big trouble for them. |
IndijaIndiju je teško opisati rečima. Treba je videti i doživeti. Nestvarna fuzija boja, ukusa, mirisa, i prizora. Prastara kolevka civilizacije,koja se spušta dolinom svete reke Gang, od Himalaja do indijskog okeana. |
IndiaIndia is hard to describe by words. It should be seen and lived. Unreal fusion of colors, taste, smell and sights. Ancient cradle of civilization that goes down the holy river Ganges, from Himalaya to the Indian ocean. |
Grad pod gazelomŽiveli su u kućama od kartona, okruženi prljavštinom, jeli su iz djubreta, i bili su srećni. |
Gazela cityThey lived in cardboard houses, surrounded by dirt, eat out of garbage, and they were happy |
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